Daniel and Ana (Film)

Daniels and Ana ( International Film)

Rate: 4 of 5

Genre: Based on true story but not documentary. It is R21 that stands for Restriction age of 21 and above.

Additional information for the reason of R21: accumulated minutes of having incestuous intercourse is estimated 20mins. (Notice: they are just actors, not family members in the film)

Looking at her own beauty, Ana made a content decision on her choice of her wedding grown. She was called that her finance, Rafa, was offered a job in Spain which they would have to settle in Spain together after their wedding. She did not wish to leave her family.  Meanwhile, Daniel was having a private moment with his girlfriend. He felt unsatisfied in the session.

He trained jogging with his sister, Ana together in a high spirit as he had registered for a triathlon. Both of them had a strong bond and a very little clash of their own interests since their contented childhood. After Ana’s purchase of some books at a bookstore, she and Daniel were having a brotherly conversation in their car alone. Abruptly, two armed men stormed in the car without the owner’s invitation and commanded the shocked victims to pull down at a quiet spot. The kidnappers drove their car to an unknown house after the siblings were in the bonnet of the car.

Daniel and Ana were forced to do something which would shatter everything. What happened to that?

My personal review:

This film is made to convey a message of the victims in Mexico and Latin America. There is a constant rise in illegal pornography on the internet. Many teenagers and young adults  are kidnapped and forced to perform a sexual session in front of the eye of the camera. Main reason is  profitability.

I am very impressed with the design on the poster. In the film poster, a brother and a sister are about to kiss in upside down position. It means that the close intimate would cause their world upside down. Daniel looked so innocent as he was a teenager. His hair shade his face to hide his desire. Ana was very matured and beautiful as she was elder and was about to get married.  Rate of the poster is 4 of 5. It is really creative pose that conveys a message well and succinct.

After the incest forced intercourse, Daniel’s academic performance gradually became poor and he lost his interests/hobbies. He gave up his training. It is a sign of the major depression if he did not attend a therapy session. In the film, he made up his mind not to go the session. Hence, he made a hurtful action.

Martial factor: a wife will lose her martial pride anytime if she did not trust fully her own husband on account of a structure of their spirituality in the marriage.

A psychology factor: For Daniel’s view, his first incestuous intercourse lingered in his mind for a long time. It would ignite his desire more. Hence, he made a first move to do that to his sister without a consent. From this, he felt more secured as he was very closer to his sister for many years than his girlfriend because he could not confide in his girlfriend fully unlike a sister.

In the fact, many men are not good at admitting their mistakes or desires unless they trust fully someone.

The Last Days of Emma Blank (Film)

Rate: 3 of 5
Genre: Sexual content, drama and partly slice of a life
Source: Dutch

Plot: Emma Blank, a house owner, awaited her death and would leave her inheritance to her household staffs as she had no family. Haneveld, a head housekeeper, had a motive of serving her for gaining the inheritance. Attempting to curry a favour with Emma Blank, he forced other staffs to serve her very well without a sincerity. His daughter, Gonnie, never felt happy under the same roof as a maid. She faced more difficulties of having Meier who was deeply in love with, harsh speeches from her own father, higher expectation from the master, less privacy.

In the middle of the film, Emma Blank announced that she had no asset to pass down to the disrespectful servants. All of the staffs gave up of serving their master and started to live on their own without the command from the master. They ignored the moan from her, leaving her lying on the ground. She was really dying.

In the viewpoint of Gonnie, she never wanted to do what they had done. She decided to move out of the household without saying a farewell to them.

Review: Gonnie is a main character in the film. It is kinda a slice of life. I think the fim tried to show how a teenage lives under the harsh condition of a large country house in countryside.

The White Ribbon (Film)

Rate: 2.5 of 5
Genre: Classic, Religion, politic and moral value (fictional)

Story:  Memories of a village schoolteacher in Eichwald, German was narrated in the film. (It should be fictional but more likely that the person wrote this from his experiences and perspectives)

In the beginning of the film, a doctor, widower, had a fall from an accident of tripping over the unseen wire between trees while he was riding. Causing the news to spread over the village, an investigator questioned some villagers living nearby and studied on the wiring mark on the same trees. There was no answer of who caused hurt to the doctor. The unanswered questions in the village became less concern.

Next victim was the wife of the farmer. She died of falling from the second floor of the sawmill and caused her family grief. One member of the decease’s family took a revenge by damaging gardening of the baron who was a host on Harvesting day.

It became more mysterious in the troubled town. Who did start it? What happened the next?

Review:  I am a fan of “The PictureHouse” at Cathey that are for international fesitival films. “The White Ribbon” is the idea from the pastor’s family’s practice of tieing the children to remind what a mistake was purified

Aftershock (film)

Second Edition: Misspelling is corrected.

Rate: 3 of 5
Genre: Slice-of-life, disturbing scene

Story: In the aftermath of the earthquake, a mother was staggering in a shock. To utter her heartbreak, her husband’s body was found by a few survivors and she cried heavily over the body, cursing herself for not saving him. She started to look for her missing children who were stuck painfully under a collapsed building. Meanwhile, the girl, one of the children, was trapped fully under the concrete slab and the boy, other of the children, kept crying frightened as his arm had been injured severely by the hard crush.

Since either of two children had to be crushed violently if other would be rescued, she was forced to choose one of them. In a confusion and frightening state, she demanded the rescue team to save both but was going to be ignored as she coud not make the decision quickly. Grasping the man who advised her about the decision, she wanted to save the son in an exchange of her own daughter.

Under the collapsed building, the daughter heard the spoken words from her own mother. “Save my son” rang in her mind before she went into a unconscience state. She was carried in arms of the mother and was put behind the father’s body. The mother and her son left the spot for a proper shelter and a medical treatment.

Collecting bitterly the bodies for a mass burial, one of an army team saw a female child wandering cluelessly in a fear. He asked her about her family’s whereabout. There was a silence. She had woken up and found herself lying behind her own father. She had been traumatized as she could not remember what had happened to her. The solider took her to a haven from the havoc.

 Her grudge grew stronger against her own mother for being abandoned.

Review: I found that this film only showed about the life of the girl. I had thought it was about the place and the people. Hmmm. it is really good and will make you cry. It is too common story i have heard. I am not family oriented at all time. The girl lost the childhood memory after being traumatized fully in the abandonment and the aftermath of the storm.

I think the moral of this story is that you never make a grudge against someone who had no choice to make a painful decision.

P.S. : I am lazy to elaborate on the review.

Unmistaken Child

Unmistaken Child

Rate: 4 of 5
Genre: Documentary – Based on spiritual reincarnation.

In the film: Tenzin Zopa, a late master’s closest disciple, was given some hints in being ready to find a reincarnated child after Geshe Lama Konchog died of aging. He had questioned him whether the master chose the reincarnation. The reply was yes. The corpse was wrapped with a cloth and carried by monks without a coffin. In the Nepalese culture, a monk or a visitor throws a white cloth which is estimated measurement of one meter in length and 10 cm in width at the wrapped corpse. (I think this white cloth symbolizes a respect or an honour. The decease was burnt in a furnace and dissolved into ashes. After the burning session was over, there were white pearls and strangely, a footprint on the sand or the ashes in a direction of the East (if i am not wrong). The leader recognised them as the signs of the reincarnation of Lama Konchog.

The selected monk whom the decease trusted most started to search the child in the same direction. He had brought the decease’s rosaries for noticing a response of the child. He met many children until he found one. He tried to spend his time staying with the child for few nights and knew if the child was aware of his presence. After that, he brought him to see the head leader for a performance of recognition. The test was successful. The child chose to be a monk.

Review: It left me very touching and memorable. Tenzin Zopa is brave and stoic. It will spice your spirit up! The film has beautiful scenarios.

P.s. I notice that this writing is not organised well. Never mind about it.

“Pharaohs of The Sun” from National Geographic magazine 2001

Notice: I have not completed this post as I have no time to rack my brain on it. This post has been delayed for many months. =X

“Beatifully, you come from the horizontal of heaven” by Amenhotep III

Many Egyptologists, who are studying on the culture and artifacts of the ancient Egyptian civilization, are researching on the happening in the period especially a mystery whereabout of missing body of Neferiti. A young king, Akhenaten created a first religion after an impression of his father on the sun rays. The newly created religion was called Aten that mean that Sun Ray God. He was convinced that the ray of the Sun gives everything a life. A tree and a flower can grow under the sun ray. An animal can eat the plant and survive. A predator can eat its prey. A human can eat plants and animals to live. It is a similiar to the eco-system. The sun rays help to collect the vapourised water and convert them into condensed water (raining). The raining helps to the vegetable to grow and the water drinkers to drink. Oh no. I am just amazed about Aten (not religion, just philiosphy for me). The sun rays can light on the Earth for people to see clearly. Without the sun rays, we would die. It is the purposes of why he was inspired to create the first religion, Aten, in his kingdom and attempted to influence on his people. Unfortunlately, most of his people were trantumized that the king replaced the religion and the tradition habits as they were very orthodox.

I am surprised that the anicent builders and engineers cut a huge drawing block into smaller blocks which are called Talatat blocks. Look at comparation of two photos

The Wolfman

The Wolfman

rate: 4 of 5

Genre: Supernatural and horror. NC 16

Lawrence Talbot , theater actor, received the request from his missing brother’s fiancée to return his childhood house. He learnt that his brother, Ben was dead and started to be suspicious there was a mystery. In his childhood, his mother was killed by the same mystical incident. After that, he discovered the medallion from the decreased’s belongings and tried to find out about its origin. At gypyies’ remote area, he visited an elder lady whose the medallion was found for a truth of the late brother. In the time of their conversation, a shadow figure appeared outside the boundary. The wolfwere attacked Lawrence by biting his neck. After that, Lawrence was recovered in his house and suffered hallucination. Partoners and detective learnt that Lawrence killed numerous people and arrested him. In a cell room, Lawrence’s father told him a truth of what happened. Lawrence realised it was who was true wolfwere.

The film’s background settings are very good. It look more classic and beautiful. But the film is quite dark. The acting is very gentle.

Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy

Rate: 1.5 of 5

Genre: Family comedy

I give it low rate because i found that some of the scenes are out of the actual comedy. The scenes can show clearly that they are covered with the viusalistion designs and appears like a fake. I guess it is not suitable for me but the  kids who fantasize easily. It is boring to me.

Derek, a strong hockey player, discourage a kid from her/his dream and in the end, he was forced to become a tooth fairy and had to complete his duty.

My Visit of M1 Fringe 2010

“Border” at The Chapel of Sculpture Square is a film that is about illegal refugees inside the lorry. My visitation of  this was on 18Jan. It is interesting. It is about what Arabic 4 people chatted about their hopes in the crowd dark box inside the lorry. It is other country ( i have no idea what).

“The Power Of a Cliche” was at The Ateliter of National Museum of Singapore at level 3. It was about photography of women in Iran. But too bad for me as i had visit the  museum on 20jan  but turned to be unavailable. I am disappointed that it was cancelled and missed a chance to understand the religious and social society in Iran. I had no idea what happened to it. perhaps it is due to religious reasons. It’s brief was how women live in Iran where is a Muslim country.

“Last Meal” at Esplanade Tunnel is about the prisoners who chose their last meal before the execution. I find it is quite inspiring as it shows how they are in the society and the law. Few of them declined their last meal because maybe, they were in depression state. Few of them ate light meal. Some of them enjoyed the fine, tasty and nice meal on their final day. For my opinion, they should have last meal before their death otherwise they would be “hungry souls”.

“The Scale of Justice” at Jenade of Esplanade. Th artist was in the prison for 7 years without a guilt. He made a huge artwork. Many of white hand balloons and black hand balloons are separated. The black ones are on upside down and other ones are on ground. You may put black or white hand balloons in the area there.

“Of Flora and  Funan of World” is about illegal wildlife trafficking. I am impressed on the scientist who dared to mailed a package of a book that contained a rare gekeco through a courier. Very bold. Some of his attempts were successfully imported.

The festival will last on 24 Jan. Enjoy there.

My Visit At SAM for Filipino and Mexcian exhibtion

The exhibition is “In the Eye of Modernity: Philippine Neo-Realist Masterworks from the Aten Art Gallery” till3 Jan 2010.

I am impressed amazingly on the glass artworks – one of the Filipino gallery. There are many different shapes of glass containers with different fragrances to express the feeling and the experience. One of the displays is “death” shape with the “death” fragrance that contains light wood. One is “Island” shape glass that contains mint and vanilla.You can smell them to feel what its purpose is.

Other gallery is about Politic, cultural and Faith. Most of Filipino artworks are in dark colour ( more likely to be earth colours)

I select some of the artworks that are very interesting and inspirational.

Heritage Tunnel is the physical objects with the wood and the mirror. The wall of the cylinder is filled with books and one light bulb lean against the wall. Both of the end of the wood cylinder are mirror. You can see the visualised form that look like longer tunnel inside. The visualised form shows you there is no end and no beginning with the wall of books.

A Painting of Cards Of Pilipino that is to show few tarot cards that tell you what they were doing, what they thought and what their positions were. ( I am tarot cards user who can interpret the painted tarot cards’ meaning.) I was surprised that the painter is clever to draw the interpretation in the painting by the tarot cards and the people’s positions and activities. the tarot cards are mostly Arcade Major (I to XXII)

I noticed that some of the artworks show Jesus’s things, suffering and courage like a crown of thorn, his blood and broken cross. I guess Filipino people are Catholic strongly.

Filipino Myth, Legend and Folktales.

The Origin of Grain is very interesting legend in the model (made of glass and plastic ( i guess). The grain farmer had dry land that failed to grow the plants. He saw his god from a heaven and the god offered his hand to him and pulled him into the heaven farming land. The farmer stole the grain seeds from the heaven land and climbed down and planted them in the human land.

The Hunter is about man and animals. The hunter was attacked by the predator and was saved by his hound which managed to find a villager for a rescue.

Pedro And Wich is about hero and witch. While he was riding on the horse, he dropped his handcheif into the fire to kill the flying witch..

Some of the myth artworks show or contain the feathers. I guess it represents a peace.

Artworks from Mexico. I noticed that most of them are more plain than Frida’s inspiring artworks.

Christ Destorys His Cross.

“his metaphors for the victory of justice and social equality over ignorance and oppression” Amazing. It showed how Jesus revived and destroyed the cross and the buildings of ignorance. The label against the broken cross bore Jesus an insult.

Three Ages in the plain painting showed 3 generations.

The Thorn in the cream painting. The woman, the harvester has not fear as the thorn staked her feet. she was trying to pull it away from her feet at the desert.